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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Tuesday, January 31, 2023

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Gratitude changes our lives.  It changes the way we feel about ourselves, the way we feel about life, and the way we feel about others.

  • Catholic Schools Week this week.  We will have class masses followed by breakfast.  Tomorrow with juniors.

  •  The Blue Cart only has a couple of food items in it.  Let's bring food in for our hungry sisters and brothers.

  •  Ski outing on Presidents' Day, February 20th.  Sign-up sheet on board near Fr. Ronald's office. Cost around $113 for those who do not have skis or helmets. Cost for transportation will depend on number going.

  • Attention Stage Rats! We will have work sessions Wednesday and Thursday nights at the usual time.  


  •  Noah Buck and Gavin Hahn please see Abbot Michael near the Loft today during homeroom

  •  Will the following students pick up their information from Mrs. Prokup on free jean days, sweat pant days, front of the line lunch pass and park out front certificates? Lili & Mary McClain, Beckham Baker, Aubrey Siebert, Trajan Raffety, Aiden & Mariella Hermes, Lexi Heemstra, Guin & Abraham Wiesbrock, Katie & Kian Zeller, Adeline & Petranella Mitchell, Alyssa & Bailey Engels and Kaden & Kyra Newman. Thank you for your help!

  •  Ambassadors- Meet in the Loft during homeroom. Bring your chromebook!