Admissions Timeline — Saint Bede Academy — Saint Bede Academy

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Admissions Timeline

9:30 AM09:30

Jr. High Tour Day

Are you a current 6th, 7th, or 8th grader interested in seeing what St. Bede Academy has to offer you? Maybe a parent who wants to see different options for their student’s high school education? Come check us out for a tour of the Academy, led by our very own Student Ambassadors!

Register for this event by going to We hope to see you there!

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6:30 PM18:30

In-Person Open House

Potential students and their families are invited to see the campus of St. Bede, learn about academic and extracurricular offerings, and observe the benefits of a Catholic education. Coaches, teachers, monks, administration, and current students will be available to help share their experiences as a Bruin.

Families can register for this event by going to Walk-ins are also welcome! Don’t miss this event to find WHERE YOU BELONG!

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