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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Monday, January 30, 2023

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Too often we are bold when we should be timid and timid when we should be bold.  Holy moments require boldness. 

  • Catholic School’s Week fact of the day: 1973 was the first class to have female students enrolled at Saint Bede Academy. This year will be their 50th class reunion.

  • Catholic Schools Week this week.  We will have class masses followed by breakfast starting tomorrow with seniors.

  • If you signed up for POLAR PLUNGE, be sure to complete on-line registration. Any questions, see Fr. Ronald.

  •  Ski outing on Presidents' Day, February 20th.  Sign-up sheet on board near Fr. Ronald's office. Cost around $113 for those who do not have skis or helmets. Cost for transportation will depend on number going.

  • Reminder. Scholastic Bowl today, Monday at Newman bus leaving at 3:20

  •  Peer tutoring will take place in room 225 after school until 3:30 for all interested students. We look forward to seeing you!

  • Tomorrow is a $5 paid Jeans or Sweatpants Day! Reminder that you may NOT wear gym shorts, skirts, leggings, dresses, etc…..

  •  Mass Days, with the exception of Tuesday and Friday will be regular dress code.


  • Prom committee meeting today during homeroom in PSC #16. 

  • WYSE students please see Mr. Fitzpatrick during homeroom today or tomorrow to get permission slips.

  •  Any students who attended Holy Family please see Mr. Steben in the Loft during Homeroom.

  •  Winner of the Riddle of the Day is Celeste Thompson!!!