Spiritual Life — Saint Bede Academy - Peru, IL — Saint Bede Academy

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Spiritual Life

Spiritual Life

Fr. Dominic Garramone, OSB joined Saint Bede Abbey in 1983 and took his solemn vows in 1989. He studied for the priesthood at Saint Meinrad School of Theology, earning two master’s degrees before his ordination in 1992. For 38 years he was the drama director and stage manager for the Academy, then in the fall of 2024 transitioned to the chaplain.

As chaplain and head of religion department, he is the spiritual director for our students and responsible for the program of their formal religious education. He says, “It’s my job to make sure that their spiritual needs are being met and that they are growing in their faith. I often tell my students that I don’t want them to have a grade school faith when they start having grown-up concerns and struggles.”

His role as chaplain includes arranging all-school masses and prayer services, organizing charitable projects like collection of food for the local food pantries, planning retreats and days of recollection, and assisting students in need of pastoral counseling or the sacraments.

Fr. Dominic Garramone, O.S.B.
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May the Rule of St. Benedict be our guide...May the Spirit of St. Bede stay with us forever

2019 Student Mass Outside.jpg