Christian Service Program
Christian Service Program
Service learning is a teaching strategy that integrates community service with instruction and reflection to enrich learning experiences, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen communities. Service learning offers all of its participants a chance to take part in learning while simultaneously addressing the concerns, needs, and hopes of their communities.
“Make love your greatest aim - 1 Cor.14.1”
What is X2VOL?
X2Vol is an online program used to verify, track and record student service hours. It allows students to keep accurate records of their service, check on their total number of service hours completed and print a professional looking service résumé to submit with college, scholarship and job applications.
Graduation Requirements
All graduating students of Saint Bede Academy are required to complete a minimum of 25 hours each academic year in attendance.
A record of service hours is kept in the student’s permanent file.
The program coordinator must approve all projects for credit earned.
All service hours and reflection statements must be completed by May 1 st of the student’s graduation year. Senior transcripts and diploma will be held until the student has met all service requirements. Participation in the graduation ceremony will not be allowed if service requirements are not met.
Click here to view a list of volunteer opportunities