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Graduation Requirements

Graduation Requirements

A total of 25 credits are required to graduate from St. Bede Academy

  • English (4 years)

  • Math (3)

  • Economics (1/2)

  • Fine Arts (1)

  • Religion (4)

  • Health (1/2)

  • Driver Education (1/2)

  • Science (2 ½)

  • Social Studies (2)

  • Physical Education (1/2)

  • Electives (6 ½)

The following courses are offered at St. Bede Academy:

  • Business
    Accounting and Economics

  • Computers
    Introduction to Computer Science, Computer Science Principles (AP, non-AP), Computer Science A (AP)

  • Driver Education
    ½ semester with behind the wheel training

  • English
    English I, English II: American Literature & Writing, English III: British Literature & Essay, English IV: World Literature & Essay, Dual Credit English IV/Eng 1001 & 1002, Speech

  • Fine Arts
    Band (4 years); Chorus (4 years) Introduction to Art, Art II, Advanced Art, Dual Credit Advanced Art/Art 1000 & 1010, and Photography

  • Foreign Language
    Chinese and Spanish (4 years)

  • Mathematics
    Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, Applied Math, Pre-Calculus, Advanced Placement Calculus, AP Statistics, College Algebra

  • Physical Education

    PE I, PE II, Strength & Conditioning

  • Religion
    Religion I: Revelation
    Religion II: Church and Sacraments
    Religion III: Faith and Morals
    Religion IV: Life and Justice

  • Science
    Biology, Chemistry, Advanced Placement Chemistry, Physics, AP Physics, Biology II, Environmental Science, Human Anatomy & Physiology

  • Social Studies
    U.S. History, World History, Sociology, Economics, 20th Century History, AP U.S. History, Civics, dual credit US History

  • Vocational
    During senior year, a student may enroll in vocational courses at the LaSalle-Peru Area Career Center.


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