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Fund-A-Need 2024

2024 Fund-A-Need ADA Gymnasium Restrooms

Another step in our athletic facilities improvement journey safely welcoming families, grandparents and children.

restroom map

We look to fund the construction of ADA restrooms on the Abbot Vincent Gymnasium main floor to be used for indoor and outdoor events on campus.

Since 2017, St. Bede has been on a journey to enhance its athletic facilities. Together, we have achieved these milestones:

  • 2017 - Addition of the Capt. Thomas J. Heitmann Memorial Track.

  • 2019 - Construction of the EK/PA Baseball Booth.

  • 2022 - Revitalization of the Abbot Vincent Gymnasium, including painting and refurbishment of the floor thanks to the Class of 1971.

  • 2024 - We now look to construct restrooms and relocate the concession stand in the gymnasium to enhance spectator experience at St. Bede events by providing modern, handicapped-accessible facilities.

Why are ADA restrooms crucial?


It’s essential that we meet and exceed legal requirements regarding facility accessibility and demonstrate our dedication to upholding the highest standards of inclusivity and fairness.


By adding these facilities, we enhance safety within out gymnasium, reducing potential hazards and ensuring that everyone can navigate our facilities with confidence and ease.


Accessible facilities will result in the ability to better secure our campus.


Create inviting facilities that inspire pride both during events and recruitment efforts.

Bruin Flag

Be Part of our Journey!

To put this plan into action this summer, we need to raise $177,000. Your donation, no matter the size, will directly contribute to enhancing experiences at St. Bede events.

Gifts of $500 or more will receive a 3’ X 6’ limited edition St. Bede Spirit Flag, while supplies last.