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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Wednesday, February 1, 2023

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As Pope Francis says: "Let us continue to wonder about the purpose and meaning of everything."

  • Catholic School’s Week Fact of the Day: Saint Bede Lane is the county line between LaSalle and Bureau Counties. Although our mailing address is Peru we are actually in Bureau County.

  • Here’s some St. Bede Trivia:

    What year was the first Gymnasium built?

    When did it burn down?

    (Answers will be provided during tomorrow’s announcements!)

  • Catholic Schools Week this week.  We are having class masses followed by breakfast.  Today for juniors.

  •  The Blue Cart only has a couple of food items in it.  Let's bring food in for our hungry sisters and brothers.

  • Ski outing on Presidents' Day, February 20th.  Sign-up sheet on board near Fr. Ronald's office. Cost around $113 for those who do not have skis or helmets. Cost for transportation will depend on number going. Let’s Have some fun!!!!!

  •  Attention Stage Rats! We meet tonight at 7:30 p.m. in the gym, and again tomorrow night at the same time. We've got some building to do! 

  •  Students!!!! Friendly reminder to make sure your cellular devices are powered off while inside your lockers! We have alarms going off and phones ringing almost every day. This is a huge distraction.

  •  There will be a podcast club meeting in room 213 after school today.


  • Michael Shaw and Jonathan Hackney please see Abbot Michael near the Loft during homeroom.

  •  Sierah Shaver, please see Mrs. Hurst in the Main Office