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St. Benedict's Day

In 1890, our founding Benedictine monks established St. Bede Academy with a mission to prepare students for further education and their future role in the world and church.

Now, 135 years later, we uphold that mission as 100% of our seniors continue to be admitted to top colleges and universities. At St. Bede, we strive to foster an enriching community that challenges students and prepares them for next level learning.

It’s only possible through the support of our alumni and friends that we’re able to carry on this mission. Your collective generosity each year makes a difference for today's Bruins. 

As a way to honor our history, mission and the Benedictine monks who established this Academy, we host our annual giving day on the Feast of St. Benedict’s Day.

Donations raised on St. Benedict’s Day support the Saint Bede Annual Fund.

What is the Saint Bede Annual Fund?

  • Makes up the difference in tuition costs. It costs $15,393 per year to educate one student, yet our students only pay $6,850 a year because of the assistance provided by the Saint Bede Annual Fund.

  • Covers the cost of academic compensation and instructional costs.

  • Sustains our athletic and other extra curricular programs.

  • Maintains our physical plant costs, including lights, electric, labor and repairs.

  • Supports the monastery and the monks.

Donate $50 or more and receive a St. Bede tote bag!

All the ways to give on St. Benedict’s Day

  • Make an online donation HERE.

  • VENMO us @StBede-Academy

  • Drop off your donation in Development Office here at the academy.

  • Call us at (815) 250-0347.

  • Mail a check to Saint Bede Academy at 24 West US Highway 6, Peru, IL 61354. Make sure it's postmarked on or before March 21, 2025. Be sure to put "St. Benedict’s Day" in the memo section.

    **All gifts are tax deductible.

Does your company offer matching gifts?

On our 24-hour giving day, your gift go can 3x as far through a matching gift from your company AND our matching donors. If you need assistance checking into this, please contact Goldie Rapp at or (815) 250-0347.

Would you like to be a matching donor?

Double your impact! Matching donors are an integral part of our annual giving day. Pledge to match dollar-for-dollar to incentivize contributions and inspire action. Contact Goldie Rapp at or (815) 250-0347 if you would like to be a matching donor.