Student Clubs
Student Clubs and Organizations
At Saint Bede Academy, students explore their interests, from fine arts to science and leadership, through a wide variety of special interest clubs and opportunities.
Clubs & Student Organizations
Some clubs, such as Scholastic Bowl and WYSE travel and compete against other schools. Other student organizations focus on student interests on campus, such as Lectio Divino, Caedmon, the Last Supper Club, and the Car Club. New clubs may be created when students want to explore a passion such as culinary arts, filmmaking or entrepreneurial business.
+ Prom Committee
Moderator: Mrs. Abby Nambo Description: Be willing to participate in occasional fundraising efforts to make plans for prom to be a great event. Requirements: Juniors & Seniors. Meeting Frequency: Meetings during homeroom usually on Wednesdays.
+ Car Club
Moderator: Mr. Rick Fess Description: “Hands on" experience with automobile maintenance, troubleshooting and design. Requirements: All grades welcome. Meeting Frequency: Twice per month.
+ Pep Club
Moderator: Mr. Michael Armato Description: Be willing to decorate school, pep assemblies and build signs. Attend and support SBA events and activities. Decorate for homecoming football game. Requirements: All grades welcome. Meeting Frequency:
+ Student Ambassadors
Moderator: Jon Steben Description: Ambassadors is an organization of junior and senior students that share their experiences of Saint Bede with grade school students and parents. Throughout the school year the team members promote Saint Bede by speaking at and hosting a wide range of events. Requirements: Junior & Senior boys and girls; interviews take place during Sophomore year in late April. Meeting Frequency: Practice/Meetings are usually during study halls and homeroom times. Most events are during the school day; a few are in the evening. Some events during the summer.
+ Abbey Altar Server
Moderator: Father Michael Description: A training practice lasting about 1-1 1/2 hours in May and August. Special practices lasting 1/2 to 1 hour for Christmas and Easter liturgies (Masses) and for professions, ordinations, and funerals when they occur. Requirements: Sophomore, Junior & Senior Boys. Meeting Frequency: Year-round
+ Eucharistic Ministers
Moderator: Father Ron Description: The Eucharistic ministers assist at all school masses in the distribution of communion. Requirements: All welcome. Meeting Frequency: The Chaplain meets with Eucharistic ministers prior to their installation. They are encouraged to be a positive Christian influence toward their classmates and the student body, in general.
+ Lectio Divino
Moderator: Father Ron Description: Discussion of scripture readings and what they mean to you personally and how they fit into today's society. Requirements: All are welcome Meeting Frequency: On campus typically 1-2 times per month during lunch.
+ InterAct
Moderator: Ginger & Dave Ludford Description: Develop leadership skills while discovering the power of Service Above Self. Find out how serious leadership can be seriously fun. Requirements: All welcome. Meeting Frequency:
+ Last Supper Club
Moderator: Father Ron Description: Join us for dining at different restaurants in our area! Requirements: All welcome. Meeting Frequency: Once a month
+ Student Government
Moderator: Mrs. Jennifer Manning Description: Saint Bede Student Government is an ordered body of academy students who represent and organize interests, opinions and activities of the entire academy student body. Requirements: Officers and representatives are elected by the student body at the beginning of each year. Meeting Frequency: 1-2 times a month
+ Tea Club
Moderator: Mr. Rick Fess Description: Explore tea from different parts of the world. Understand the culture and reasons behind “tea time” in different countries. Requirements: All grades welcome. Meeting Frequency: Twice per month.
+ Engineering Club
Moderator: Mr. Rick Fess Description: Work with advanced engineering concepts and methods. Application of learned math, physics, chemistry in real world problems. Requirements: All grades welcome. Meeting Frequency: Twice per month.
+ E-Sports Gaming Club
Moderator: Mr. Rick Fess Description: Online competitive gaming. Requirements: All grades welcome. Meeting Frequency: Play against other area online gaming teams in weekly competitions. Online tournaments at the end of each season.
+ Strength & Conditioning
Moderator: Mr. Sam Allen Description: 20-30 minutes a few days a week makes a big difference! You don't have to be involved in athletics to get healthy and strong either! When I say everybody, I mean everybody! If you're enrolled at St. Bede all you need after that are sneakers and workout shorts! Requirements: All students are welcome and encouraged to find the weight room after school. Meeting Frequency: Monday-Friday after school
+ Peer Tutoring
Moderator: Mrs. Abby Nambo Description: Peer tutoring is a peer-mediated strategy that involves students serving as academic tutors and tutees. Typically, a higher performing student is paired with a lower performing student to review academic concepts. Requirements: All students are welcome. Meeting Frequency:
+ Anime Club
Moderator:Mrs. Lindsey Olivero-Gong Description: Our mission at the Anime Club is to foster joy and happiness through the vibrant world of anime. We aim to create an inclusive space where members can forge meaningful connections, share their passion for anime, and immerse themselves in its rich cultural tapestry. Through activities such as watching anime, engaging in anime-related activities such as cosplay and art, we seek to spread our love for this art form and introduce its beauty to a wider audience. Our ultimate goal is to cultivate an environment where individuals can unwind, learn, and experience the sheer delight that anime brings to our lives.
+ Bruinomics
Moderator:Mr. Jim EusticeDescription: A club focused on small business endeavors. We make and sell the Homecoming t-shirts. Requirements: Honors Economics Class. Meeting Frequency:
+ Science Club
Moderator:Mr. Dan FitzpatrickDescription: This club discusses ideas, plans scientific trips, performs demonstrations and works on projects. Requirements: All grades welcome. Meeting Frequency: Seasonal: November bridge building meeting, with competitions; Late Feb, early March there is maple sugaring; March there is a food car race; April Envirothon competition; May plant sale and morel mushroom hunting
+ Scholastic Bowl
Moderator:Mr. Rich CummingsDescription: Interest in one or more academic areas. Confidence is a major character trait. Desire to learn new information. Requirements: All grades welcome. Meeting Frequency: Practices after school; approximately one hour in length during the fall and winter.
+ Heritage Club
Moderator: Mrs. Brittany Rynkewicz Description: Celebrates the different cultures found around the world. Requirements: All grades welcome. Meeting Frequency:
+ Band
Moderator:Mrs. Lisa GriggsDescription:**Requirements: Instrumental experience is preferred but if a student is willing to take lessons then they are welcome to join. You will need a musical instrument, unless you arrange to use Meeting Frequency:** Period "C", Monday - Friday
+ Chorus
Moderator:Mrs. Lisa GriggsDescription:**Requirements: All grades welcome. Meeting Frequency:** During the school day - occasionally after school for those participating in festivals and contest.
+ Fall Theatre
Moderator:Father DomDescription: For over twenty years the Drama Department has been producing innovative and exciting one-act plays as part of the Fall Theatre Program. Some of the scripts are classic tales like the Tell-Tale Heart, others are new works from up and coming publishers or the Humana Festival of New Plays. We’ve even produced our own scripts, like Jesus Comes to Junior High, Genesis 0:0, and What I Wanted to Say, which was selected by publication by Dramatic Publishing and is now being produced by high schools and community theatres all over the country! You could get involved in Fall Theatre as a writer, director, assistant director, actor, stage manager, designer, stage hand, make-up artist, house manager, usher, publicity director . . . . . . . Well, you get the idea! Requirements: Academic eligibility Meeting Frequency: 2-3 rehearsals per week for 5 weeks
+ Spring Musical
Moderator:Father DomDescription: Student will put on a full-length musical each spring semester. Requirements: Students are required to audition. They are asked to prepare a short vocal piece and will be asked to read from the script. Some dance may be required depending on the show. Meeting Frequency: Rehearsal schedules will vary by part. Leads will commit on average to four days of rehearsal per week. Everyone must be present each night during production week.
+ Stage Rats
Moderator:Father DomDescription: Stage Rats is a great activity for students to meet people from every grade and make life long friendships. We don't just build sets; we also have bonfires, pizza parties and field trips to theatre events. Requirements: A willing spirit and clothes to get dirty in. Meeting Frequency: Meet 2 or 3 times a week (usually 8:00-10:00pm). You are not required to attend every session, but only as your schedule allows. Our rule is family first, school second, theatre third.
+ The Genesius Project
Moderator:Father Dom & Mrs. Lisa Griggs Description: The Genesuis Project takes its name from St. Genesius, an actor who was martyred around 303 A.D. for refusing to perform in a satire that mocked Christian baptism. The purpose of The Genesius Project is to create 10-minute plays for production at Fall Theatre. We might also perform at the Illinois High School Theatre Festival in January. Each participant is expected to keep a journal for research, reflection and brainstorming. Our sessions will include writing exercises, the use of affinity charts and improv to develop dialogue. Sometimes we partner with a college or professional writer to develop or edit the scripts. Requirements: Academic eligibility Meeting Frequency: About once a week, from spring until October
+ Yearbook & Photography
Moderator:Mrs. Lisa GriggsDescription: Learn writing, photography, layout and techniques and sense of design. Requirements: All grades, upper classmen are encouraged to join. Meeting Frequency: Meetings on campus entail photo selection, page layout, and typing.
+ Homecoming Variety Show
Moderator: Mrs. Lisa Griggs Description: Plan performances for Homecoming celebration. Requirements: All grades. Meeting Frequency:
+ Retreat Leaders
Moderator: Father Ron Description: Student Retreats.
+ Lectors
Moderator: Father Ron Description: Student lectors proclaim one of the readings during liturgy.
+ Bass Fishing
Moderator: Description: IHSA Sport
+ Golf - Boys/Girls
Coach: Mr. Rich Cummings
+ Cross Country - Boys/Girls
Coach: Mr. Marty Makransky
+ Football - Boys
Coach: Mr. Jim Eustice
+ Volleyball - Girls
Coach: Ms. Kaitlyn Edgcomb
+ Cheerleading - Girls
Coach: Ms. Sydney Eustice
+ Tennis - Girls
Coach: Ms. Jill Urban-Bollis
+ Baseball - Boys
Coach: Mr. Bill Booker
+ Softball - Girls
Varsity Coach: Mr. Rob Ruppert
JV Coach: Mrs. Lisa Griggs
+ Track - Boys/Girls
Coach: Mr. Marty Makransky
+ Tennis - Boys
Coach: Eric Davy
+ Basketball - Boys
Coach: Mr. Brian Hanson
+ Basketball - Girls
Coach: Mr. Tom Ptak
+ Bowling - Boys/Girls
Coach: Mr. Buck Emmerling
+ Wrestling - Boys
Coach: Coach Allen
+ Cheerleading - Girls
Coach: Ms. Sydney Eustice