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Student LIfe

Student Life

Click below for PDF versions of Student Forms

From the first moment that a student sets forth in a Catholic school, he or she ought to have the
impression of entering a new environment, one illumined by the light of faith and having its own unique
characteristics, an environment permeated with the Gospel spirit of love and freedom.

Saint Bede Academy Student Uniforms

In an effort to promote self-respect and represent the high standards of St. Bede Academy all students are expected to dress appropriately at all times in accordance with the defined school uniform dress code.  The school uniform was endorsed and defined by a partnership of students of the St. Bede Academy Student Government and the Administration in 2016.



Senior Farewell Mass.

IMG_E5977 Cropped.JPG

Students collect items for the Illinois Valley Food Pantry.


Students participate in monthly prayer services.