ANNOUNCEMENTS - Friday, January 27, 2023
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What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to a human soul.
If you signed up for POLAR PLUNGE, be sure to complete on-line registration. Any questions, see Fr. Ronald. Ski outing on Presidents' Day, February 20th. Sign-up sheet on board near Fr. Ronald's office.
Catholic Schools Week starts on Sunday. We will have class masses followed by breakfast starting, with seniors, on Tuesday.
Tea Club today after school in the PSC commons!
Scholastic Bowl Monday at Newman bus leaving at 3:20
ATTENTION Ms. Cox's G period class: follow instructions given to you yesterday about today's class. Sit in the same seats as yesterday and get working on the #4 test packet!
There will be an open gym at JFK gym in spring valley Sunday at 5:30 for all girls planning on playing softball in the spring. Try to attend! Softball season will be here before you know it!
Musical rehearsal for all cast member Sunday from 3:30-5:30 in chorus room. Anyone that did not try out for the musical, but would still like to participate should plan to attend. See Mrs. Griggs if you have any questions.
Junior and Senior Boys don’t forget to watch for the Powder Puff sign-up sheet outside the Refectory!
There is a service opportunity to shovel snow this weekend and beyond at a residence in Spring Valley! Also, Goodwill of Peru & Habitat for Humanity is looking for Saint Bede students to volunteer at their respective stores.
- See Mr. Davy in room 227 for details and contact information.
Addie Bontz, Lea Asani, Ryan Slingsby, Tom Makransky, Scarlett Maples and Daniel Gonzalez Please See Father Ron NOW!
Kailey Moore Please see Mrs. Hurst in the Main Office during Homeroom.
You see a boat filled with people. It has not sunk, but when you look again you don’t see a single person on the boat. Why?