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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Thursday, January 26, 2023

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God wants us to trust him, and that requires accepting the fact that we won't always be able to figure out his reasoning.

  • Last Supper Clubbers.  If you haven't already done so, get your payment in to Fr. Ronald.

  •  If you signed up for POLAR PLUNGE, be sure to complete on-line registration. Any questions, see Fr. Ronald.  Ski outing on Presidents' Day, February 20th.  Sign-up sheet on board near Fr. Ronald's office.

  •  Please remember our hungry sisters and brothers and bring food in to fill the BLUE CART.

  •  Get those spikes out because track season is on its way!

    Stay tuned.... practices will begin in February. Talk to Coach Makransky if interested.

  •  Mrs. Wiltse’s classes, EXCEPT PERIOD G, will report to study hall today.

  •  Seniors: Our FAFSA rep will be in the conference room today during both lunch periods to answer questions and help with FAFSA completion.  No appointment necessary.

  •  Reminder! This Saturday, January 28th we have rival basketball games vs. LP! Girls play @home, JV starting @1 and Varsity @2:30. Boys play @LP, JV starting @4 and Varsity @5:30. The theme for all the games is BLACKOUT!!!!! BRING A NEWSPAPER TO USE DURING LP BOYS' VARSITY LINEUP!!!!! Everyone needs to bring their cheering voices and be ready to participate in chants and fun!  ALSO REMEMBER, the expectation is that all Chats, Cheering, Etc. be appropriate and positive.  We want to represent the very best version of our school and student body!   Let's have a day BRUIN NATION!!!!!!!!!

  •  Junior and Senior Boys watch for the Powder Puff sign-up sheet outside the Refectory


  • Student Government meeting in the PSC during Homeroom