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Daily Announcements

Daily Announcements - Monday, March 9, 2020

Marcia Wagner

Remember, the goal isn't just to finish the race of life, but to finish the race with nothing left to give.

  • Our Donor of the Day is Mr. and Mrs. Lee McCullough. The McCulloughs are loyal friends and generous supporters to St. Bede. We have been blessed with their kindness for decades. Please keep them in a special prayer of thanks today.

  • Attention Juniors, this is the final week for the college and career fair. Remember that seats are limited and the even is next week. Sign up and submit your slips as soon as possible.

  • Spanish students signed up for the AAPPL (pronounced apple) exam, please drop off payment in room 115 this week.

  • Golf Spring Swing is cancelled for today and will resume on Wednesday.

  • Scholastic Bowl Regionals today at 4:30 Team members and helpers should meet in the art studio by 3:30.

  • Stage Rats meet after school until 4:30 p.m. today, Tuesday and Wednesday. Other times to be announced---watch the Google Classroom page for updates.

  • Interested in spending next weekend with nuns in Springfield? Open to girls and boys. Leave after school next Friday t and return around 3:00 on Sunday the 15th. Sign up sheet on Fr. Ronald's door. Today is the deadline.

  • Reminder: If you would be interested in mass and breakfast before school on Tuesdays during Lent, put your name on list on Fr. Ronald's door.

  • Last Supper to S.O.B. on Wednesday. Get your name on the list to try out the new place.

  • The blue cart is waiting to be filled so that we can help our hungry sisters and brothers.

  • Class of 2020 Top Ten Students - Please Turn in Your Info Sheets to Mrs. Gengler before Friday.

  • Seniors invited to the Rotary Banquet please get you reservation forms in to Mrs. Plankenhorn. Turn them in even if you do not plan on attending.


  • Natalie Coon, Nadia Robles, Keeley Thompson, Alyssa Williams. Please see Fr. Ronald during homeroom.

  • Madeline Spayer please come to guidance.

  • Madison Miranda please see Mrs. Manning during homeroom today.

  • WYSE meeting for all students involved during homeroom today.

  • Isabell Wei, Julia Wang, David Liu, Grace Mertel, Ethan Sramek, Logan Humpage, and Tina Li please see Mrs. Planknehorn during homeroom today.

  • Christine Senica, James Irwin, Timmy Croissant, and Jim Sanchez please see Mr. Harlow during homeroom today in the main office.

  • Mia Waters, Macy Bosnich, Payge Pyszka, and Andi Cattani see Coach McGunnigal today during homeroom.

  • Candy Song and Cissy Yu see Mrs. Wagner during homeroom.

  • All Ambassadors and freshmen who signed up for Shadow Days will meet in the refectory tomorrow during homeroom