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Daily Announcements

Daily Announcements - Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Marcia Wagner

We cannot discover new oceans until we have the courage to lose sight of the shore.

  • Our Donor of the Day is Mr. and Mrs. Greg Wiesbrock. The Wiesbrocks are loyal friends and generous supporters to St. Bede. We have been blessed with their kindness for decades. Please keep them in a special prayer of thanks today.

  • Last Supper to S.O.B. tomorrow. Get your name on the list to try out the new place.

  • Jesus says: I was hungry, and you gave me to eat. Let's do so by feeding our hungry sisters and brothers once the blue cart is filled.

  • JUNIORS: Don't forget to sign up for the college and career fair coming up. Forms can be picked up and dropped off in the main office.

  • Spanish students signed up for the AAPPL (pronounced apple) exam, please drop off payment in room 115 this week.

  • Thank you to everyone who helped with the Scholastic Bowl regional we could not have done it without you thank you

  • Europe 2020 travelers must see Mrs. Haskell-Free before D period today.

  • Mrs. Olivero-Gong’s B period class please report to the study hall this morning for class.


  • Alyssa Williams. Please see Fr. Ronald during homeroom.

  • Jose Bejarano please come to the Business Office.

  • Claudia Orteza and Amber Meager please come to guidance.

  • All Ambassadors and freshmen who signed up for Shadow Days will meet in the refectory during homeroom

  • Ivy Fan and Quenten Sondgeroth please see Mrs. Plankenhorn during homeroom today.

  • Anyone interested in football next fall please meet in the collaborative room tomorrow during homeroom.