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Daily Announcements

Daily Announcements - Thursday, March 5, 2020

Marcia Wagner

Your happiness is directly connected to you becoming more of who God made you to be.

  • STUDENTS: Drinks are NOT allowed in the halls or classrooms. ALL drinks must be consumed in the student commons or the refectory.

  • A pair of glasses were left in Mrs. Horst's room on Tuesday. See her to identify them

  • Interested in spending next weekend with nuns in Springfield? Open to girls and boys. Leave after school on Friday the 13th and return around 3:00 on Sunday the 15th.Sign up sheet on Fr. Ronald's door.

  • If you would be interested in mass and breakfast before school on Tuesdays during Lent, put your name on list on Fr. Ronald's door.

  • Lenten Rice Bowls. Your Period A classroom or study hall teachers should have put a rice bowl in your classroom. Please consider adding spare change to benefit the needy abroad and here. These teachers also have a few extras if you want one to take home so that your family can participate.

  • Any seniors attending IVCC next year are invited to meet with an IVCC rep. on Monday period G or H for help completing their application, signing up for placement testing and freshman counseling & registration appointments, sending transcripts and asking questions. See Ms. Bernabei asap to sign up.

  • Winter sports banquet is this Sunday. Doors open at 3:30 dinner served at 4:00

  • Spring sport pictures are Monday after school. Report to the gym unless told otherwise.

  • JUNIORS: Space is limited, get your permission form in for the upcoming College and Career Fair.

  • Period B PE report to Mrs. Leffelman’s room (16); Period C PE please report to Mrs. Manning’s room (231); Period F report to Mrs. Jobst room (326); Period G to Mr. Eustice’s room (206) for class today for today. Bring study materials. Health classes will still meet in room 205.

  • Student government members need to read the announcement on our Classroom page.

  • Last chance to turn in your guest request forms for Turnabout. They will NOT be accepted after today.


  • Jaelyn Weber, Gianna Grivetti, and Isabella Villalobos please see Mr. Fess during homeroom today.

  • Boys interested in Tennis this Spring there is a meeting during homeroom today in the refectory.

  • Lucy Kleczewski please see Mrs. Griggs in the band room today during homeroom

  • Grace Spolec and Joe Edwall please come to the business office.

  • Colin Nave please see Mrs. Plankenhorn during homeroom today.