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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS Tuesday, November 16, 2021

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The goal is to see yourself with the eyes of God, which means to love yourself as God loves you.


Our Donor of the Day is John Yerly. Mr. Yerly is a 1964 graduate and was the St. Bede Alumni Association president for many years. He is loyal and generous supporter to St. Bede and we have been blessed with his kindness for decades. Please keep him in a special prayer of thanks today.

  • IVCC Spring registration forms were mailed out.  Please check your mail and return your registration to Mrs. Plankenhorn by Tuesday, November 23.  This is for students taking English 1002 and Music Appreciation for the Spring semester.

  • Reminder the Scholastic Bowl store is open order your custom Scholastic Bowl Jersey today website is posted on the main bulletin board. The store closes on Sunday night. See Coach Cummings if you have any questions.

  • IMPACT Testing is TODAY in the PSC starting at 2:00 pm for anyone who missed the testing last week. You will need to bring your Chromebook.

  • Lectio tomorrow.  If you can't make it, please let Fr. Ronald know.

  • Last Supper Club is Thursday at Double Country in Spring Valley.  Sign-up sheet on Fr. Ronald's door.  Please sign up by tomorrow afternoon.

  • Girls' TEC the first weekend of December.  If you want an application, please pick up, NOW, in Fr. Ronald's office.  

  • For those doing Advent Reflections, they are due on Friday.  Check your e-mail for more information.

  • Heritage Club members: COME GET YOUR ADVENT CALENDARS!

  • Grace Irwin and Aleanna Mendoza will be attending the LaSalle Rotary meeting tomorrow. Please dismiss them at 11:30.

  • Be a part of #GivingTuesday with a donation of any kind. Help us reach our goal of $130,000 this NOVEMBER 30th! Don't forget to donate to "Pie" your favorite person in the face... Mr. McLaughlin who is currently in the lead - Mr. Harlow - or Fr. Ron!! Let's Go Bruins!!

  • Giving Tuesday student prizes are: a yardstick length of Reese’s peanut butter cups, $15 Mickey’s Massive Burrito gift card and a free 2 week membership to the YMCA.

  • Congratulations to Erin Gray who was selected for the Oglesby Elks Teen of the Month for November and Ben Koyak for December! Ben and Erin are now eligible for the Teen of the Year competition! Seniors, Ms. Bernabei needs more applications for the Jan & Feb Teen of the Month competition.



  • Alivia Payne, Tyler Walsh, Coco Wu, Ivy Fan, Josie Zhou and David Lou please see Mrs. Namb

  • oAlondra Delao please see Mr. Harlow.