ANNOUNCEMENTS Wednesday, November 17, 2021
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Ask God to give you the grace to do what is right, even when no one is watching.
Our Donor of the Day is Frank Mahnich. Mr. Mahnich is a 1961 graduate and served on the St. Bede Alumni Association board for many years. He is loyal and generous supporter to St. Bede and we have been blessed with his kindness for decades. Please keep him in a special prayer of thanks today.
IVCC Spring registration forms were mailed out. Please check your mail and return ONLY your registration form to Mrs. Plankenhorn by Tuesday, November 23. This is for students taking English 1002 and Music Appreciation for the Spring semester.
Reminder the Scholastic Bowl store is open order your custom Scholastic Bowl Jersey today website is posted on the main bulletin board. The store closes on Sunday night. See Coach Cummings if you have any questions.
Scholastic Bowl practice tomorrow after school
Lectio TODAY. Bruin Bowls will be served. If you can't make it, please let Fr. Ronald right now so that the right number of lunches are prepared.
Last Supper Club is tomorrow at Double Country in Spring Valley. $15. Sign-up sheet on Fr. Ronald's door. Sign up right now, during homeroom, so the number going can be given to the restaurant.
Girls' TEC the first weekend of December. Applications due by November 22. Give applications to Fr. Ronald.
For those doing Advent Reflections, they are due on Friday. Check your e-mail for more information.
Grace Irwin and Aleanna Mendoza will be attending the LaSalle Rotary meeting today. Please dismiss them at 11:30.
All Winter work study assignments have been emailed. Students please check your emails.
Students – REMEMBER that you are only allowed to wear a Dennis Uniform Top (sweatshirt, sweater, ¼ zip) with a white undershirt only. Game day shirts are only allowed on a game day! Dress code violations will be issued if you are not in proper dress code.
The following please see Fr. Ronald now during homeroom: Grace Irwin, Wilt Cao, Esabell Wei, Pia Mindrup, Max Medina.
Esports members quick meeting in the computer lab