ANNOUNCEMENTS Monday, November 15, 2021
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What you do with your resources in this life is your autobiography.
IVCC Spring registration forms were mailed out. Please check your mail and return your registration to Mrs. Plankenhorn by Tuesday, November 23. This is for students taking English 1002 and Music Appreciation for the Spring semester.
The Scholastic Bowl store is open order your custom Scholastic Bowl Jersey today website is posted on the main bulletin board. See Coach Cummings if you have any questions.
IMPACT Testing will be Tuesday in the PSC starting at 2:00 pm for anyone who missed the testing last week. You will need to bring your Chromebook.
Lectio on Wednesday.
Last Supper Club on Thursday at Double Country in Spring Valley. Sign-up sheet on Fr. Ronald's door.
Girls' TEC the first weekend of December. If you want an application, please pick up, NOW, in Fr. Ronald's office.
For those doing Advent Reflections, they are due November 18. Check your e-mail from Fr. Ronald with further information.
Grace Irwin and Aleanna Mendoza will be attending the LaSalle Rotary meeting tomorrow. Please dismiss them at 11:30.
Aleda Hoogland, Veronica Martin, Alanna Frasch, Madison Stanbary. Please see Fr. Ronald, now.
Macklin Brady, Katelyn Hart, Analia Salas and Dani Zeglis please come to the main office.
Trayger Davis, Ella Burris, Bella Verucchi, Elizabeth Vanko see Mr. Harlow with your Chromebook.
Lia Bosnich and Duncan Lawler see Mrs. Nambo.