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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Wednesday, March 22, 2023

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You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it.

  • All-school mass tomorrow. There will be a collection for our Lenten charities.

  • Senior retreat next week on Tuesday and Wednesday.

  • Our hungry sisters and brothers will appreciate food you bring in to fill the blue cart.

  • An admission rep from Northern IL University will be here this week on Friday, March 24th period B in the collaborative room to talk to juniors & seniors about their college and the application process. Sign up with Ms. Bernabei. Students MUST let their B period teacher know BEFORE Friday if they plan to attend this presentation.

  • Winter Senior athletes.  Your sport banners are in Mr. Armato's office.  Please stop by to grab yours. 

  • Congratulations to the cast and crew on a great performance of Freaky Friday over the weekend. Thank you to everyone that supported the group and watched the show.  Cast, please return your scripts to Mrs. Griggs before Friday.

  • Congratulations to the Lady Bruins on their win last night. Congrats to Bella Pinter and Tessa Dugosh on their homerun hits and Lily Bosnich on her grand slam in the JV game.

  • Peer tutoring will take place in room 225 after school until 3:30 for all interested students. We look forward to seeing you!

  • Get your Prom Tickets!!! TODAY and TOMORROW! Tickets are $75/person and will be sold during lunch periods.