ANNOUNCEMENTS - Friday, March 24, 2023
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Just because we have the space, doesn't mean we should fill it up with stuff.
SAT Word of the Day: Vilify- write or speak in an abusively disparaging way
Senior Retreat next week on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Senior Mystery trippers. Your letters are due today.
Seniors: complete your Senior Survey from Ms. Bernabei asap. This is required of ALL seniors. Check your email for the link.
Reminder to Seniors, you cannot take a college visit day on Senior Retreat days, March 28th & 29th. Attendance at Senior Retreat is required.
All students, especially Seniors, should be checking their school email daily so you don’t miss out on important information and opportunities. If you are not receiving texts from St. Bede come to the main office and ask to have your cell phone number added to your school account.
Juniors & Seniors: turn in your permission form for the Career and Job Fair as soon as possible. Seats are filling up fast!
Juniors: Save the Date! Be prepared to start your college applications this summer. College Information Night is April 4th, 6-7:30 pm.
Sophomores interested in being Ambassadors next year: stop by Mr. Steben's office for an application. All applications must be submitted by Friday, March 31st.
Good Luck Anna Lopez and Lily Bosnich today competing at the Illinois Top Times track and field meet in Bloomington.
Track practice today will be at the track 3:15 start time. bring spikes.
Freaky Friday scripts need turned in to Mrs. Griggs today! If you still have one please turn in today.
Congratulations to the JV softball team on their 17-2 win last night against Oregon. Congratulations to Chipper Rossi on her homerun.
Prom committee meeting today during homeroom in PSC #16.
SBASG exec board please see miss Brady now.
Aubrey Siebert and Jack Maschmann please see Fr. Ron Now
Mina Trandinh please come to the main office.
Ambassadors will meet during Homeroom today.
What is always in front of you, but can't be seen?