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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Tuesday, March 21, 2023

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  • Winter Senior athletes.  Your sport banners are in Mr. Armato's office.  Please stop by to grab yours. 

  • Top Ten, don’t forget to return your Spring Honors Banquet Form and money if bringing a guest. Due by April 6th.

  • Our second round of WYSE competition was online.  Results are in this week. Greyson Marincic Scored second place in Biology and will continue on to state. Madelyn Torrance Sored 4th in English and also qualified to go to state. State competition is April 17th on the Monday we get back from spring break.

  • Congrats to the varsity boy’s baseball team on their season opening victory 14-4 over Riverdale.

  • Congrats to the JV Baseball team on their 15-0 season opening win over Riverdale.

  • There are a few spots still available in the tennis lineup - it's not too late to join Bruin's Tennis!

  • Get your Prom Tickets TODAY thru Thursday, March 23! Tickets are $75/person and will be sold during lunch periods.

  • Ambassadors: check the Google Classroom or outside Mr. Steben's office to see who will be helping for tomorrow's Shadow Day. Be sure to get an absence slip from Mr. Steben for either A or B period if applicable.

  • Any SOPHOMORES interested in applying for Ambassadors, we will have a short informative meeting regarding the application process right after school.

  • Seniors: Applications for the BUREAU COUNTY DEMOCRATIC PARTY SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION are due on Friday. This is a $500 scholarship that will be awarded to one St. Bede student. As of yesterday, they have no applications. You do not need to be a democrat and you can apply even if you have not volunteered for a political campaign. The completed application must be submitted by email by Friday this week. If only one person applies that person will receive the $500 award.

  • Juniors and seniors are invited to attend a career & job fair in Princeton on April 21st. There will be employers looking to higher recent high school graduates. Information will be provided on careers that require all levels of education. Students will have the opportunity to talk to architects, medical professionals, skilled laborers, educators, bankers and more!  See your email for a list of employers that will be there. Please sign up in Ms. Bernabei or Ms. Pettway’s office asap.


  • Genavyve Barnes and Marco Rizzi please see Mr. Hancock and bring your Chromebook.

  • Gino Ferrari please come to the main office NOW, Thank You.

  • All tennis players meet in Mr. Davy's room 227 during homeroom for a brief meeting.

  • SBASG please meet in the PSC now.

  • Freshmen who will be Shadow Guides tomorrow, Wednesday, March 22, need to report to the Refectory at this time. Please see the list outside Mr. Steben's office to see who is involved.

  • Meeting for all Stage Rats during homeroom in the Collaboration Room.