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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Friday, February 2, 2024

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Hope is not a matter of waiting for things outside us to get better.  It's about getting better inside about what's going on outside. 

  • SAT Word of the Day:

    • dearth – n. a lack of something

      • Mrs. Nambo celebrated the DEARTH of students on the D/F list.

  • Polar Plunge on Saturday, February 24th.  If you haven't already done so, you can get your name on the list.

  • Boys' TEC is the first weekend of March.  Want an application or to know more, see Fr. Ronald.

  • Those going on Ski trip, get your forms in to Fr. Ronald.  If not in his office, put form on his desk chair.

  • Tomorrow is the 116th anniversary of the date Fr. Gilbert Simon and 3 students drown in an ice-skating accident .  There is a large memorial to them on the first floor of the school.

  • Attention Heritage Club members! Anyone interested in making paper lanterns for the Lunar New Year must complete the interest survey in Google Classroom. The lantern-making activity will be held on Friday, Feb. 9th after school in Mrs. Rynkewicz's room. All materials will be provided for you.

  • Just a reminder that all spring sports are open for registration. That link has been sent out to all students and families in their email.  Please see Mr. Armato with any questions.

  • Good luck to Girls Bowling and Wrestling as they both compete in the respective IHSA regional events tomorrow.  Also tomorrow is a day of basketball here at Saint Bede.  Our Girls program takes on Putnam County with our Boys following as they host Amboy High School.  Games begin at 11am in Historic Abbot Vincent Gymnasium. 


  • Will Adeline and Matilda Mitchell see Mrs. Prokup?