ANNOUNCEMENTS - Monday, February 5, 2024
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Don't look back. You're not going that way.
SAT Word of the Day:
elude – v. escape one’s grasp
The criminal managed to ELUDE the police.
Polar Plunge on Saturday, February 24th. If you haven't already done so, you can get your name on the list.
Boys' TEC is the first weekend of March. Want an application or to know more, see Fr. Ronald.
Those going on Ski trip, get your forms in to Fr. Ronald. Still not too late to sign up.
St. Blaise throat blessing today during lunch periods and in some religion classes.
Track practice will start at 3:45 today. Meet downstairs near the weight-room. Thank you.
Lucy Maus and Ariana Villava. Please see Fr. Ronald, now, during homeroom.
Sadie and Lila Koehler, please see Mr. Steben in his office.
Will the following students see Mrs. Prokup: Matilda & Adeline Mitchell, Trajan Raffety and Macy Strauch.
Would the top 10 students in the Class of 2024 please see Mrs. Rapp now: Johnna Bogatitus, Ali Bosnich, Ella Englehaupt, Evan Englehaupt, Georgina Guo, Bella Hagenbuch, Ella Hermes, Kylie Hill, Zachary Popurella and Logan Potthoff.