ANNOUNCEMENTS - Thursday, February 1, 2024
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Even when our efforts don't bear the fruits we expect, we must trust that God, who loves those we love more than we ever could, knows what he is doing.
SAT Word of the Day:
cacophony – n. a discordant mixture of sounds
The student section created a CACOPHONY of noise makers and loud cheering.
Catholic Schools Week class masses and breakfasts Period B. Freshmen tomorrow.
Polar Plunge on Saturday, February 24th. If you haven't already done so, you can get your name on the list.
Boys' TEC is the first weekend of March. Want an application or to know more, see Fr. Ronald.
Those going on Ski trip, get your forms in to Fr. Ronald. If not in his office, put the form on his desk chair.
Juniors: ACC tour permission forms are due tomorrow.
Attention Heritage Club members! Anyone interested in making paper lanterns for the Lunar New Year must complete the interest survey in Google Classroom. The lantern-making activity will be held on Friday, Feb. 9th after school in Mrs. Rynkewicz's room. All materials will be provided for you.
There will be Scholastic Bowl practice after school in the Art Room.
All those interested in joining Anime Club please join the Google Classroom. The Classroom code is ib5dvl5 and is posted on flyers around the school. There is a change in our first meeting time. It will be next Tuesday during homeroom in Rm. 217. Please fill out the interest survey posted on the Classroom before you come.
Will the following students pick up their front of the lunch line, park out front for February & March and jean day passes from Mrs. Prokup's office today: Aubrey Siebert, Trajan Raffety, Kerstin Williams, Quinn McClain, Lili McClain, Kian Zeller, Katie Zeller, Bailey Engels, Macy Strauch and Ava Balestri.
Katelyn Harth see Ms. Bernabei now.