ANNOUNCEMENTS - Thursday, January 18, 2024
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All new beginnings, all fresh starts, require a bold leap.
SAT Word of the Day:
quixotic (kwik-SOD-ick) – adj. exceedingly idealistic; unrealistic and impractical.
His plan to make millions as a YouTuber was QUIXOTIC and poorly planned.
Jean Day tomorrow for charities that we assist.
The ski outing will be on Presidents' Day, Monday February 19th. If interested, add your name to the list outside Fr. Ronald's office.
The next Boys' TEC is March 2-4. Want more information, see Fr. Ronald.
Interested in Winterfest in Lake Geneva on Saturday, Feb 4th? Sign-up sheet on board near Fr. Ronald's office.
POLAR PLUNGE on Saturday, February 24th. Want to participate this year? Sign up on sheet near Fr. Ronald's office. More information will be given to those who sign up.
There will be Scholastic Bowl practice today after school in the Art Room.
Today is the last day to audition for the spring musical, unless you email Mrs. Griggs for a different time. Mrs. Griggs will contact you if call backs are necessary Sunday. Please make sure you have joined the Remind App. Seniors - Check this off your bucket list and audition today!
All seniors who took semester one Econ please rejoin the Google classroom so your banking scholarship essays can be accessed. Econ CP classroom code ro6spyb and Econ HN classroom code lsxfwos.
Color & Chill with snacks today in the PCS after school. All are welcome!
Ella Hermes, Bella Pinter, Macy Hartt, Reagan Stoudt, Maci Kelly, Angie Bartlett, Lily Bosnich, Bailey Engels please see Mrs. Griggs to pick up your fish fry tickets.
Mr. Fitz’s E period Study Hall, please report to Room 114 (Mr. Garcia’s Room).
ALL seniors going to Panama please meet in Miss Brady's room today.
Rubi De La Torre please see Mrs. Nambo in her office during homeroom today.
All freshman and sophomore boys interested in playing baseball meet Coach Eustice in room 224 during homeroom today.
Bella Hagenbuch, Ella Englehaupt, Ali Bosnich, Logan Potthoff, Zachary Popurella, Kylie Hill, Ella Hermes, Johnna Bogatitus, Georgina Guo, and Evan Englehaupt please come to the counseling office.
Ella Burris see Ms. Bernabei.