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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Tuesday, December 19, 2023

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Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations.

SAT Word of the Day: ambivalence ➢ – state of uncertainty "As I answered the final question on the test, my ambivalence had me torn between two answers.”

❖ If you are interested in a ski trip to Alpine Valley after the Christmas break, sign the sheet on the board near Fr. Ronald's office. Those who express interest will receive further information.

❖ Thank you to everyone who came out to our first Final Review Night last night. We had a great turnout! Don’t forget tonight- we will be here from 4:00-6:00!

❖ There will be a musical meeting in Mrs. Griggs room today from 1:45-2:00 for anyone interested in auditioning for the musical. If you cannot attend, please check google classroom over break for announcements.

❖ Freshmen- please check your email for a message from Mrs. Theisinger. HOMEROOM MEETINGS

❖Will the following students see Mrs. Prokup - Room 135 to pick up a packet for their parent? Gavin Marquez, Dominic Fonderelli, Ava Balestri, Margaret Arkins, Bailey Engels, Trajan Raffety, Garrett Connelly, Emma Slingsby, Daliayah Farris, Macy Strauch, Anna Cyrocki, Katie Zeller, Mariella Hermes, Aubrey Siebert, Maleigha Trench, Nathan Husser, Drew Carboni, Gino Ferrari, Kyra Finley, Kyra Newman and Lili McClain.

❖Will Sam Bima see Mrs. Prokup NOW?

❖ Erin Dove and Ali Bosnich see Ms. Bernabei.

❖Attention Stage Rats! Please see Fr. Dominic in room 107 during homeroom