ANNOUNCEMENTS - Monday, December 18, 2023
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It is what it IS but it will BE what YOU make it.
SAT Word of the Day:
candor ➢ – quality of being honest. "She was never quite sure how to respond to Martha's candor though the two continued to be best of friends.”
❖ If you are interested in a ski trip to Alpine Valley after the Christmas break, sign the sheet on the board near Fr. Ronald's office.
❖ Opportunities for Advent confession today during Periods F, G, and H in the conference room in the science center.
❖ Final Review Nights will be: Monday 6:30-8:30 and Tuesday 4-6
❖ Tomorrow after school there will be a meeting for anyone interested in auditioning for the musical Little Mermaid in Mrs. Griggs classroom from 1:45-2:00
❖ Lillian Wray, Marco Rizzi & Adriana Buchanan please see Mrs. Rapp when you can TODAY!!