ANNOUNCEMENTS - Tuesday, December 12, 2023
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If you want to bring happiness to the whole world, start at home and love your family.
SAT Word of the Day:
mawkish – adj. showing emotion or love in an awkward or silly way
The MAWKISH poem made the reader uncomfortable.
If you are interested in a ski trip to Alpine Valley after the Christmas break, sign the sheet on the board near Fr. Ronald's office.
It's not too late. If interested in participating in the Reverse Advent Calendar, see Fr. Ronald.
Opportunities for confession this week. Today Periods C and D in the conference room in the science center. Tomorrow Periods E1 and E2.
Final Review Nights- Monday December 18th from 6:30-8:30 and Tuesday December 19th from 4-6! Teachers and staff will be available to help in multiple subjects. Come in through Perino Science Center doors.
Service Hours opportunity: if you are interested in helping Mrs. Nambo with the final review nights, send her an email or stop in and see her today!
Scholastic Bowl practice Thursday in the Art Studio.
Band students please report to Mrs. Griggs room during homeroom today for a rehearsal.
Julian Villava, Kerstin Williams, Yannis Yong, Maleigha Trench and Hunter Savage please see Mrs. Rapp in the Development Office.
Nathan Husser please see Ms. Bernabei.