ANNOUNCEMENTS - Monday, December 11, 2023
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Make virtue your goal and you will find that moments of the day come bearing opportunity.
SAT Word of the Day:
inoculate – v. immunize someone against
Pharmacists worked quickly to INOCULATE their community against the flu.
It's not too late. If interested in participating in the Reverse Advent Calendar, see Fr. Ronald.
Opportunities for confession this week. Listen for times and location.
The Habitat for Humanity mailing needs a final push. Help needed this week to label the envelopes during study halls.
If you are interested in a ski trip to Alpine Valley in January that will be either on Martin Luther King Day or Presidents' Day, sign the sheet on the board near Fr. Ronald's office.
Heritage Club Ornament Making will be held after school today in room 204.
Could all freshmen students who graduated from Peru Catholic please meet in the refectory today during homeroom?
Lili McClain and Evan Englehaupt please come to the main office.