ANNOUNCEMENTS - Thursday, November 30, 2023
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Life is choices. We build our lives one choice at a time.
SAT Word of the Day:
bombastic – adj. Inflated or exaggerated
The coach was giving a BOMBASTIC retelling of his junior high game-winning free throws.
Let's make Christmas a bit brighter for kids. Please bring toys and books in by Tuesday. Thanks to all who have already brought toys and books in. We also want to fill the Big Blue Car with food for the hungry.
Thanks to all who have been helping with the Habitat for Humanity mailing. If you have time during study hall, please consider lending a hand.
NET day for sophomores today and freshmen tomorrow. The days begin, in the gym, after Period A.
Seniors taking Spring Semester IVCC Dual Credit Classes DO NOT FORGET to turn in your Purple Registrations forms by TOMORROW!!!!
Heritage Club members interested in painting ornaments should complete the Google Form in Classroom ASAP. Materials will be provided for you. Anyone who wants to join Heritage Club should use the code: kg3yg4g.
Stage Rats meet tonight at 7:30 p.m. at the abbey church to strike Fall Theatre costumes and props.
Coloring club today after school in the PSC. See you there!
Bailey Engels, Johnna Bogatitus, Maci Kelly, Tyler Jordan, Ryan Slingsby, Maddy Dalton, Bella Hagenbuch, Alex Ankiewicz, and Sam Bima, please report to Mr. Steben’s office.