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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Wednesday, November 29, 2023

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What one person considers worthless or inconvenient can literally be life-sustaining to another person.

  • SAT Word of the Day: 

    • acumen (ACK-you-men) – n. ability to make good judgments

      • The class respected Mrs. Horst’s literary ACUMEN.

  • Let's make Christmas a bit brighter for kids.  Please bring toys and books in by Tuesday. Thanks to all who have already brought toys and books in. 

  • Help still needed to complete the mailing for Habitat for Humanity.  See Fr. Ronald or Mr. Hancock for details. 

  • NET day for sophomores tomorrow and freshmen on Friday.  The days begin in the gym after Period A.

  • Heritage Club members interested in painting ornaments should complete the Google Form in Classroom ASAP. Materials will be provided for you. Anyone who wants to join Heritage Club should use the code: kg3yg4g.

  • Seniors taking Spring Semester IVCC Dual Credit Classes DO NOT FORGET to turn in your Purple Registrations forms by Friday!

  • WYSE Competition meeting after school today in Mr. Fitz’s room. If you plan on participating, see the link below:

  • There will be a Podcast Club meeting in room 213 today after school.


  • Lucy Maus to see Fr. Ron during Homeroom.

  • Will the following Ambassadors please report to the Refectory: Ali Rimmele, Bailey Engels, Ryan Slingsby, Logan Pineda, Bella Hagenbuch, Libby Huffaker, Maddy Dalton, Ella Engelhaupt, Johnna Bogatitus, Grace Millington, Jeanna Ladzinski, Ali Bosnich, Halden Hueneburg, and Emma Smudzinski