ANNOUNCEMENTS - Monday, December 4, 2023
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We cannot do all the good that the world needs. But the world needs all the good we can do.
SAT Word of the Day:
defunct – adj. no longer working
She couldn’t make any calls from her now DEFUNCT phone.
Christmas Toys will be delivered tomorrow. So, please get toys and books in tomorrow.
Thanks to all who have been helping with the Habitat for Humanity mailing. If you have time during study hall, please consider lending a hand.
Last lectio sessions of the semester on Wednesday and Thursday of this week.
There's still room in the Big Blue Cart for food. Not all are as fortunate as we are. They go hungry each day.
If you are interested in a Reverse Advent Calendar, see Fr. Ronald.
JUGs will be served in room 211 today.
Look at your Chromebook charger. If it has “FESS” written on it please return it to Mr. Fess or to the main office.
Summer Conlin and Mina Trandinh, see Fr. Ronald during homeroom.
Prom Committee members please see Mrs. Nambo today!
Will Ella Burris, CoCo Wu, Hunter Savage, Analia Salas, and Jazmin Barreras please see Mrs. Hurst?