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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS Friday, April 1, 2022

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“No one has ever become poor by giving.”

  • Father Ronald has returned home but still needs to rest. If you see his office light on today please do not disturb him. He will be back on duty Monday.

  • Prom sign up during lunch hours on Wednesday April 6 and Thursday April 7, 2022. Cost per person is $50.00. Payment due upon signup.

  • Seniors planning to go to IVCC next year, you are required to submit an application even if you've taken classes as a high school student. Go to the IVCC website and click APPLY. Then watch your email for an acceptance letter and further instructions for enrollment. See Ms Bernabei if you need help. 

  • Any students looking for a job waitressing, bussing tables, running food, etc. contact Skoogs in Utica and ask for Kelly.

  • WYSE members and Illinois State Scholars will have their picture taken during homeroom on Tuesday. Meet on the steps of the PSC.

  • Mrs. Manning’s F period class please report to Mrs. Bruner’s room 226B.


  • Haiden Ator and Ben Koyak please come to the main office.