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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS Thursday, March 31, 2022

Guest User

“Failure is not the opposite of success, it is part of success.”

  • Prom sign up during lunch hours on Wednesday April 6 and Thursday April 7, 2022. Cost per person is $50.00. Payment due upon signup.

  • Last Supper Club will be at 6:00 pm tonight at Skoonerz in Princeton.

  • Today is Shadow Day for area 8th graders. Ambassadors and freshman, you have your schedules. 1st period lunch, freshman will meet your 8th grader in The Loft before lunch. 2nd period lunch, you will meet your 8th grader in your E period class. If you have any questions, please ask Mrs. Wagner.

  • Seniors planning to go to IVCC next year, you are required to submit an application even if you've taken classes as a high school student. Go to the IVCC website and click APPLY. Then watch your email for an acceptance letter and further instructions for enrollment. See Ms Bernabei if you need help. 

  • Any students looking for a job waitressing, bussing tables, running food, etc. contact Skoogs in Utica and ask for Kelly.

  • WYSE members and Illinois State Scholars will have their picture taken during homeroom on Tuesday. Meet on the steps of the PSC.

  • Reminder:  Per the school handbook:   Excused absences (including sports related absences) permit a student to make up all schoolwork missed.  The responsibility of initiating and completing the assignments rests entirely upon the student and not on the administration, faculty, or parents.

  • Volunteer Opportunities:

    -Saturday April 9th:  Illinois Valley Animal Rescue (IVAR) Annual building and Care Fund Auction at Grand Bear Lodge 2643 N. IL Rte. 178 Utica 61373 4:00-9:00 PM.  To Sign-up Contact:  Beth Dellatori 815-258-8346 (call or text)

    -Saturday April 2nd:  4-H Green Communities Tree Program is looking for volunteers to help plant trees at City County Park in Princeton at 10:00 AM.  To sign- up contact Beth Dellatori 815-258-8346 (call or text)

    -Volunteer information can be found in X2vol on the Google Doc for Volunteer opportunities

    -Friday April 29 Utica Knights of Columbus need students to help with their Fried Chicken/Spaghetti Dinner.  This will be an inside dinner with carry-out available. Time: 4:15 PM-7:00 PM. To Sign-up Contact:  Mrs. Prushinski Rm 111 or

    -TBM Avengers Reunion to Honor Veterans at the Peru Airport on Friday May 20th 4:00-11:00 PM  and Saturday May 21st 11:00 AM-5:00 PM volunteers will help with a variety of tasks to help make this day a success for our veterans. To sign-up please contact Tracy Baer 815-820-5724 – call or text.

    -Information for these opportunities are also listed on the x2vol site in the Opportunities Google Doc.


  • Anyone attending Last Supper Club tonight please come to the main office.

  • Jack Wallace and Henry Orteza please come to the main office.

  • Top Ten Seniors please come to the main office.