ANNOUNCEMENTS Monday, April 4, 2022
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If you cannot do GREAT things, do small things in a GREAT way!
Saturday, April 9th volunteers needed for an Easter Egg Hunt at Kirby Park in Spring Valley from 9:30 AM – 12:30 PM. Volunteers will assist with bouncy houses, coordinating lines for pictures with the Easter bunny, handing out prizes and Easter baskets.
Saturday April 9th: Illinois Valley Animal Rescue (IVAR) Annual building and Care Fund Auction at Grand Bear Lodge 2643 N. IL Rte. 178 Utica 61373 4:00-9:00 PM. To Sign-up Contact: Beth Dellatori 815-258-8346 (call or text)
Prom committee meeting tomorrow during homeroom in PSC room 16.
The senior meeting we were having tomorrow will be after Spring Break, all items have not been received yet.