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Daily Announcements

Daily Announcements - Monday, Sept. 21, 2020

Marcia Wagner

A lot of problems would disappear if we talked to each other instead of about each other.

  • Our Donor of the Day is James Riggs. Mr. Riggs is a 1953 graduate and a dedicated supporter of St. Bede. Please keep James in a special prayer of thanks today.

  • Outdoor "See You at the Pole" prayer service on Thursday.

  • Seniors and juniors want to make some money? A friend of Fr. Ronald is looking for someone to do yardwork and painting at his rental homes. If interested, see Fr. Ronald.

  • Send yourself a reminder to bring food items in. We want to fill the blue cart and get food to our hungry sisters and brothers.

  • Seniors bring study to religion today.

  • If you are interested in joining Mr. Fitz's science club here is the join code: 7btzyn4

  • Picture retakes are set for this Thursday. Order forms are in the office for those of you that did not get to order on our first picture day. IF you are doing a “retake” you need to return the current package and they will replace with your new picture.

  • SENIORS: You will have your yearbook picture taken on Thursday as well. This will be a dress up day for seniors ONLY. Gentleman a dress shirt and tie with dress pants and a belt. Ladies a modest/sleeved top or dress with a skirt or pants is allowed. BARE shoulders will not be photographed. I am not certain we will get a retake day, so please be here.

  • If you are good with Minecraft Redstone and want to compete in a Minecraft Rube Goldberg competition, or interested in eSports, we are putting together teams now for the fall season. Please join the eSports classroom code v57ow4n, or email Mr. Fess for the deets.

  • Students we have a minor change in the lunch this week. We will be swapping Tuesday and Thursday. Tuesday’s lunch will be the chicken wrap and Thursday will be the Chicken patty. Please be aware if you had ordered for these particular days.

  • All sophomore girls interested in playing basketball this year need to see Coach McGunnigal during their study hall of after school to get sized for team gear this week.

  • Ambassadors remember your “object” for tonight’s 6:30 summit meeting in the Perino Science Center

  • Attention, members of the Genesius Project. We will have a meeting in the Little Theatre Tuesday evening at 7:30 p.m. to organize our days for subsequent meetings. It will be possible to attend by Zoom, those who come to the Theatre will need to wear masks. Questions or problems, contact Fr. Dom through Google Classroom. If you still haven't signed up, it's not too late! Classroom code jmvpezi

  • Boys interested in playing basketball there is a meeting tomorrow night at 6:00 pm in the gym. All information regarding contact days and our season will be handed out at that time.

  • Friday is a 11:20 dismissal classes A-D will meet. IVCC Psychology will meet at 11:20 unless otherwise directed by Mr. Brolley.

  • Friday is also a schedule 2 dress code day which means blue jeans may be worn free of charge, no holes or rips and a modest top, no half shirts or hoodies allowed. If you chose not to wear jeans you must follow our daily DENNIS uniform dress code