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Daily Announcements

Daily Announcements - Tuesday, Sept. 22, 2020

Marcia Wagner

Stay away from negative people. They have a problem for every solution.

  • Our Donor of the day is Daniel Kopina. Dan is a 1972 graduate and and we have been blessed with his kindness and generosity for decades. Please keep him in a special prayer of thanks today.

  • Following student see Mrs. Margherio in the Development Office today during your study hall: Allison Rimmele, Evan Entrican, Joseph Edwall & Lily Leach

  • Picture retakes are set for this Thursday. Order forms are in the office for those of you that did not get to order on our first picture day. IF you are doing a “retake” you need to return the current package and they will replace with your new picture.

  • SENIORS: You will have your yearbook picture taken on Thursday as well. This will be a dress up day for seniors ONLY. Gentleman a dress shirt and tie with dress pants and a belt. Ladies a modest/sleeved top or dress with a skirt or pants is allowed. BARE shoulders will not be photographed. I am not certain we will get a retake day, so please be here.

  • Students we have a minor change in the lunch this week. We will be swapping today and Thursday. Tuesday’s lunch will be the chicken wrap and Thursday will be the Chicken patty. Please be aware of the change.

  • Boys interested in playing basketball there is a meeting tonight at 6:00 pm in the gym. All information regarding contact days and our season will be handed out at that time.

  • Friday is a 11:20 dismissal classes A-D will meet. IVCC Psychology will meet at 11:20 unless otherwise directed by Mr. Brolley.

  • Friday is a schedule 2 dress code day which means blue jeans may be worn free of charge, no holes or rips and a modest top, no half shirts or hoodies allowed. If you chose not to wear jeans you must follow our daily DENNIS uniform dress code.

  • Seniors: These are your John Baylor study sessions for the week of Sept 21-28: Science 7A & 7B; U.S. History 8A & 8B; English 9A; U.S. History 9B. See your email for the full schedule.

  • Seniors: You need to pay for the Oct 6th ACT. Please bring in a check for $59.00 made out to St. Bede Academy. Write ACT on the memo line. Put your check in a sealed envelope with the student first and last name and ACT printed clearly on the front. Put the check in the box by Mr. Hancock’s desk in the PSC. Payment is due Sept 30, 2020.

  • All students who volunteered for the K of C Tootsie Roll Drive last weekend need to enter their service hours into x2vol asap. See Ms. Bernabei if you need help.

  • Juniors you will take PSAT-NMSQT on Wed. Oct. 14th. This is the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test. Please prepare so you can earn your best score. See your email for testing tips and study information.

  • Seniors and juniors want to make some money? A friend of Fr. Ronald is looking for someone to do yardwork and painting at his rental homes. If interested, see Fr. Ronald.

  • Outdoor "See You at the Pole" prayer service on Thursday. Your religion teachers will tell you about it.

  • Come on Bruins. We are not filling the blue cart very fast. Remember to bring in food items.

  • Gentlemen there are a lot of shirts that are untucked these days warning will end this week and you will be spending the afternoon with Ms. Cox in detention. Tuck in your shirt and put on your belt.

  • Students we will not be accepting lunch deliveries at the school. You either order lunch here or bring one from home.