Daily Announcements - Friday, Sept. 18, 2020
Marcia Wagner
Being negative only makes a journey more difficult.
Our Donor of the Day is Dr. and Dr. Stanke. Scott and Alice are loyal friends and dedicated supporters of St. Bede. We have been blessed with their kindness and generosity for years. Please keep Scott and Alice in a special prayer of thanks today.
Student athletes that are participating in a fall sport: Boys/Girls Golf, Boys/Girls Cross Country, or Girls Tennis are NOT permitted to attend any open gyms or contact days for other sports.
All period F teachers have been given yearbooks to distribute, please do so today. If you have an e learner on your list please mark it on the roster and return it to Mrs. Griggs.
Seniors and juniors want to make some money? A friend of Fr. Ronald is looking for someone to do yardwork and painting at his rental homes. If interested, see Fr. Ronald.
Stop by the blessed sacrament chapel, on the first floor, for a prayer.
Over the weekend, when you are out, remember our hungry sisters and brothers. When the food cart is full, the food will go to the food pantry.
Golf team dismiss today at 12:40 for the Bureau County Match Play Championship
If you are interested in joining Mr. Fitz's science club here is the join code: 7btzyn4
Seniors: Pay for your ACT exam and study your John Baylor Prep program! See your email for more specific information.
All students should be checking their student email every morning and every afternoon! You will miss important information if you don’t!
Looking for a fun and creative activity this fall? If you like creative writing or acting, Saint Bede Academy’s Genesius Project 2020 is for you! We’ll be producing a series of monologues for presentation at Fall Theatre XXIII in November. Enter Google Classroom code jmvpezi for more information, and to fill out a registration form.
Softball open practices will be held on Fridays and Mondays at the softball field from 4-5:30 starting tomorrow. Anyone interested in playing can come and practice. Questions, please see Mrs. Griggs.
Picture retakes are set for September 24. Order forms are in the office for those of you that did not get to order or get pictures the first time. IF you are doing a “retake” you need to return the current package and they will replace with your new picture. Seniors, I am still working on senior portraits for you.
Volunteers needed to help with the Utica Knights of Columbus Tootsie Roll drive this weekend Sept 19th & 20th. Sign up at the Interact Club meeting TODAY right after school in the shelter or see Ms. Bernabei.
Isabella Pinter, Isabella Hagenbuch, Katelyn Harth, and Alyssa Engels please see Mrs. Plankenhorn before you leave today.
Do you need volunteer hours? We still have a few slots open this Sunday to collect money for the Knights of Columbus outside the Utica Shell gas station. Sign up today at the business office.
STUDENTS: EVERYONE needs to check their St. Bede email EVERYDAY!! Important information is being emailed to you from teachers and administration.