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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Friday, December 13, 2024

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  • SAT Word of the Day:

    • hardy (adj.)robust, capable of surviving through adverse conditions

      • The reindeer has the HARDY nature to survive in the North Pole.

  • Thanks to Mr. Garcia and his senior Spanish students for their contribution to yesterday's Mass for Our Lady of Guadalupe. You really added something special to the celebration.

  • Our food collection continues until Wednesday morning of next week. Bring in your donations Monday or Tuesday, and thank you!

  • Thank you to everyone that auditioned for the spring musical Wizard of Oz. Call backs will be posted in the Google classroom by the end of today. Callbacks will be Sunday at 4 in Mrs. Griggs classroom.

  • Scholastic Bowl Saturday at Roanoke Benson. The bus will leave at 7:00 am. Remember, 10 minutes early is on time.

  • Ambassadors: we will exchange secret santa gifts in the refectory after school today. Please be prompt so student athletes can get to practice on time.

  • Congratulations to Phillip Gray! Phillip was selected as November Teen of the Month by the Oglesby Elks Club! One goal of the Elks Teen of the Month program is to give recognition to teenagers who strive diligently above the rest to become more of a complete citizen and individual.  Students are selected for this honor on the basis of Character, Leadership, Service, Citizenship, Community Service, Scholarship and Best Multiple Achievements. Phillip’s application will move on to the next level of competition for Teen of the Year. St Bede did not have a December Teen of the Month. The next and last application deadline is Jan 20th.


    • Maci Kelly, Alyssa Savitch & Kijah Lucas please see Ms. Bernabei now.

    • Victoria Mendez, Mason Ross, Abraham Wiesbrock see Ms. Cox now.


    • Good luck to all the teams competing today:

      • SO, V boys BB @ Hall

      • F (green) boys BB @ Home

    • Congrats to boys & girls basketball for their wins over Bureau Valley & Henry last night!

    • Congrats to girls bowling for their victory over Oregon!