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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Thursday, December 12, 2024

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  • SAT Word of the Day:

    • None - worship schedule.

  • Scholastic Bowl practice after school today. Also, shirts are in. Then stay after and cheer on the Bruins as they soundly beat the Mallards tonight in "the Vin" (Abbot Vincent Gymnasium). GO BRUINS!

  • Isaac Kang, Kijah Lucas, Maci Kelly see Ms. Bernabei now.

  • Attention teachers: there are several groups that need to be dismissed throughout the day today. Please check your emails for a message from Mr. Armato.


    • None - worship schedule


    • Good luck to all the teams competing today:

      • SO, V boys BB @ Hall

      • V girls/boys bowling @ Oregon

      • V girls BB @ Home

    • Congrats to both boys and girls bowling in their win over Hall yesterday! Maddie Fabish rolled a 563 over 3 games, while Devin Steil contributed a 3-game series of 590.