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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Monday, December 16, 2024

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  • SAT Word of the Day:

    • insolent (adj.) rude, arrogant, overbearing 

      • Her INSOLENT tantrums earned her a spot on Santa’s Naughty List.

  • If you need help studying for finals, or just want a quiet and comfortable place to study, stop by the PSC after school today, tomorrow, and Wednesday. Teachers and staff will be available to help. 

  • If any students attending the Scotland/Ireland trip did not pick up an EF backpack at the meeting yesterday be sure to see Ms. Bernabei this week to get one.

  • A HEARTFELT THANK YOU goes out to the 20 Saint Bede students who braved the cold temperature on Saturday and helped make the Special Olympics Snowshoe event a great success! The demonstration of love, compassion, and lots of enthusiasm epitomized what the mission here at Saint Bede is all about! Thank you, Bruins!

  • Today is the last day for Christmas present wrapping at the Peru police station. If you want to earn service hours and spread Christmas cheer, stop by the Peru police station anytime from 4:00 on. 


    • Maci Kelly, Breanna Martinez, and Grace Millington, please see Mr. Steben.

    • Tyler Jordan, Yuno Kawai, Greyson Marincic, Victoria Mendez, Grace Millington, Mina Trandinh, Maci Kelly, see Ms. Bernabei now.

    • The following students need to come to room 204 right now during homeroom: Kennen Grisham, JT Daley, Olivia DePue, and Gavin Fivek. 


    • Good luck to all the teams competing today:

      • F (green) boys BB @ Home

      • SO, V girls BB @ Seneca