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Daily Announcements

Daily Announcements - Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Marcia Wagner

Dream big but realize that every great hope is achieved one small step at a time along the way. 

  • Detentions will meet in room 300 (Art Room) today after school.

  • Scholastic bowl practice Thursday art studio after school

  • Lectio sessions Thursday and Friday and next Tuesday.

  • Friday will be a Jean Day for charity.  Donation of $3.00. You can also wear an Ugly Christmas Sweater.  There will be an Ugly Christmas Sweater contest.

  • SENIORS: Mandatory senior portraits are being taken on TOMORROW, December 9 your time slot has been emailed to you several times in the last couple of weeks.  There are neon green lists posted throughout the first floor and the PSC.  Photos are to be taken in the Little Theatre, please enter through the red door as you normally do for religion class. Gentlemen shirt and tie are required, ladies a modest top no bare shoulders.

  • Wyse sign up for juniors and seniors is on this google classroom class code 7nsnoyn

  • Last call for IVCC registration forms.  If you have them please turn them into Mrs. Plankenhorn before you leave today.