Daily Announcements - Monday, December 7, 2020
Marcia Wagner
Sometimes we fall down because there is something down there we're supposed to find
The following students need to Mr. Harlow: Brady Hurst, Hunter Welch, Yadi Garcia, Jake Jackson, Dominic Bima, Ava Manicki, Aleanna Mendoza,Ethan Sramek, and Milana Gayan
All Fr. Dominic classes will meet in the refectory today and tomorrow for classes.
Mrs. Manning's H period class will meet in the gym for class today
SENIORS: Mandatory senior portraits are being taken on Wednesday, December 9 your time slot has been emailed to you several times in the last couple of weeks. There are neon green lists posted throughout the first floor and the PSC. Photos are to be taken in the Little Theatre, please enter through the red door as you normally do for religion class.
Wyse sign up for juniors and seniors is on this google classroom page.https://classroom.google.com/c/MjM5NzMzODYxNjQy?cjc=7nsnoy
class code 7nsnoy
Abby Michels, Alyssa Engels, Summer Conlin, Payton Giordano, Guin Wiesbrock, Macy Hartt, Payge Pyszka, Ella Hermes, Kailey Moore, Brianna Torres, and Lia Bosnich see Coach McGunnigal today during lunch
Students taking IVCC Dual Credit and or E2C courses next semester your registration forms are due NOW to Mrs. Plankenhorn. Once they are picked up by the IVCC coordinator you will need to take them to IVCC yourself.
Lectio sessions this Thursday and Friday and next Tuesday.
Prayer service tomorrow for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. Like the last time, it will take place in your Period D classroom before that class begins.
Friday will be a Jean Day. You can also wear an Ugly Christmas Sweater. Prizes will be given. Tomorrow sign up if you want to participate and be a possible prize winner.