Daily Announcements - Thursday, December 10, 2020
Marcia Wagner
Instructions for life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.
Scholastic bowl practice in the art studio after school today.
Wyse sign up for juniors and seniors is on this google classroom https://classroom.google.com/c/MjM5NzMzODYxNjQy?cjc = class code 7nsnoyn
Lectio sessions today and tomorrow and next Tuesday. Check display for your name, if you've forgotten your day.
Tomorrow will be a Jean Day for charity. Donation of $3.00. You can also wear an Ugly Christmas Sweater and, if you wish, be part of the Ugliest Christmas Sweater contest.
Please consider bringing in food items for those hungry in our area.
There will be a wrestling meeting very quickly after school on Friday for anyone and everyone interested in wrestling. We will meet in the gymnasium and begin the meeting promptly at 1:50. There will be an option to join the meeting remotely through zoom. For the zoom meeting information, please email coach Allen.
Finals will be next week Wednesday-Friday we will be IN PERSON all week with Wednesday being the first day of finals: Wednesday period A-C; Thursday periods D-F; and Friday G-H: You will dismiss Wednesday and Thursday at 11:20 and Friday at 10:10.