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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Monday, September 11, 2023

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Being a child of God means a way of life that is kind, compassionate and wholesome.

❖ SAT Word of the Day:

➢ upshot – n. the outcome or result of an action

■ We expected happier students to be the UPSHOT of early dismissal times.

❖ Any freshman interested in running for freshmen representative for SBASG see Miss Brady today for a petition. Elections will be held on Friday, 9/15.

❖ Attention all returning and new Heritage Club members! There will be a brief meeting in room 204 during homeroom on Tuesday, Sept 12. Make every effort to attend, but if you are unable to come during homeroom, you should see Mrs. Rynkewicz before you leave for the day.

❖ Congratulations to your golf team finishing in 2nd place Saturday at the Kewanee Boiler Invite and to Ryan Slingsby and Luke Tunnell on individual finishes of 11th and 8th Place

❖ Last Supper Club on Wednesday at 6:00 at Mickey's Massive Burritos in LaSalle. Get your name on sign-up sheet near Fr. Ronald's office.

❖ A Google Link will be mailed to all students with information on variety show rehearsals. If you plan to participate in the variety show, please complete the survey so Mrs. Griggs can organize the show. Questions: Email or stop by to see her in room 214.

❖ Habitat for Humanity is building a home in Peru. Interested in helping to build a home? See Fr. Ronald for information or put name on sign-up sheet on board by his office.

❖ Boys Basketball open gym on Tuesday, September 12th at 3:30 with coach Schwab.

❖ Ambassadors: Please check the BAND app for details regarding tonight’s event.

❖ Congratulations to the Girls and Boys Cross Country teams as they competed in the largest cross-country race in the state Saturday. Sierah Shaver finished 323rd for the ladies, while Greyson Marincic and Eric Du finished 325th and 47th for the guys. There were 64 teams running. The next Race is Tomorrow at BV!

❖ SBASG meeting tomorrow during homeroom in the PSC.


❖ SBASG exec board please see Miss Brady during homeroom.