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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Thursday, September 7, 2023

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The good news is that today can be the day you make a different choice.

❖ SAT Word of the Day:

➢ Sanctimonious (sank-ti-MOHN-ee-us) – adj. being morally superior to others

■ It would be SANCTIMONIOUS to judge people for acting differently than you.

❖ Juniors & seniors: College Law Enforcement & Public Safety Day at Western IL University on Wednesday, Sept 27th, 9am-2pm. See your email for program & registration information. You must pick up a college visit request form from Ms. Bernabei at least 3 days before your visit.

❖ Habitat for Humanity is building a home in Peru. Interested in helping to build a home? See Fr. Ronald for information or put name on the sign-up sheet on board by his office.

❖ Lectio sessions during 1st and 2nd lunch today. Today Freshmen and some seniors 1st lunch and Juniors 2nd lunch. Meet in the Loft near the Refectory.

❖ Boys Basketball open gym on Tuesday, September 12th at 3:30 with coach Schwab.

❖ Bruins. Let's step up to the plate and bring food in for our hungry sisters and brothers. Let's fill the Big Blue Cart.

❖ Want to help with a local theatre production and earn service hours at the same time? Volunteers are needed to help set up for Tolton: From Priest to Slave this Sunday at 12:30. See Mr. Steben in his office (Room 134) for more details.

❖ Football mass today after school.


❖ Any junior or senior girls interested in participating in the powderpuff game please meet in the PSC now.

❖ Lucy Maus & Judith Torres, please stop by Mr. Steben’s office (room 134) during homeroom today.