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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS Tuesday, February 1, 2022

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It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it. 

  • On Monday, February 21st there will be a ski trip to Alpine Valley Ski Resort.  The group cost per person is:  $55 for ski lift, $35 for ski and $10 for helmet rental.   Sign up now.

  • The next Boys' TEC is the end of February, the 26th to 28th.  If you want an application or to know more, see Fr. Ronald.

  • This week is Catholic Schools Week.  The theme is:  Faith, Excellence, Service.  There will be class prayer services and breakfast, in gym, during Period A.  JUNIORS tomorrow. Juniors report to the gym for your A period.

  • The Big Blue Cart is empty.  Let's bring food in for our hungry sisters and brothers.

  • Scholastic Bowl today at Seneca bus leaving at 3:00

  • Girls basketball tonight: Sophomore game will start at 5:00 pm and varsity 6:15pm in Seneca. Bus will leave at 3:30 pm.