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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS Friday, February 4, 2022

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Just as God is patient with you and your failures, so too does God desire that you be patient with others. 

  • Yesterday was the anniversary of the death of Fr. Gilbert Simon and 3 students, 116 years ago, in 1906.  Many students and their prefects were ice skating on the slough near the river.  All were told not to gather, but a boy had a camera.  They gathered for a photo and the ice broke. Most of the boys were saved by Fr. Gilbert and the other prefects, but 3 boys drowned as did Fr. Gilbert trying to save them.  On the north end of the first floor of the school is a large stone plaque/monument to them. Check it out.

  • The next Boys' TEC is the end of February, the 26th to 28th.  If you want an application or to know more, see Fr. Ronald.

  • This week is Catholic Schools Week is being extended.  The theme is:  Faith, Excellence, Service.  There will be class prayer services and breakfast, in gym, during Period A.  JUNIORS on Tuesday and SOPHOMORES on Wednesday.

  • The Big Blue Cart is empty.  Let's bring food in for our hungry sisters and brothers.

  • Yesterday the feast of St. Blaise.  The St. Blaise blessing will be given today in the hallways between classes.

  • POLAR PLUNGERS please check your e-mail for information on how to register on-line and how your sponsors can make their pledge.

  • Please pray for our girls who will be on their TEC (Teens Encounter Christ) weekend.

  • Student government will host a bake sale during each lunch on Monday. All items will be in Ziploc bags and marked $1.00 each. The money collected will support local area charities such as Perfectly Flawed, IVAR, and PADS. We hope everyone remembers to bring your dollar bills! Thanks for your support!

  • SENIORS- your senior night forms need to be turned in TODAY. Senior night is Tuesday!

  • Scholastic Bowl Monday at Bureau Valley bus leaving at 3:45

  • Maximo Medina, Ali Arslan, William Chen, Eason Wang, Steven Zhang, and Thomas Zhao please be in Mrs. Wagner’s office at 1:30 today.

  • Good luck to girls’ bowling and the wrestlers at Regionals tomorrow!


  • All Senior varsity boys’ basketball players, Aubree Acuncius, Ali Bosnich, Payton Giordano, Alan Spencer, Nolan May and Emily Robbins please see Mrs. Nambo.

  • Softball players meet in refectory for quick meeting.