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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS Monday, January 31, 2022

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What is really important is what happens within us. not outside us. 

  • Please keep Mrs. Mershon and her family in your prayers her mother passed away yesterday.  May she rest in peace.

  • Trenton Acuncius rolled a 1,310 six-game series Saturday to finish seventh at the IHSA State Bowling Tournament at St. Clair Lanes in O'Fallon. Trenton finished with a two-day total of 2,674 to finish 92 pins behind state champion Ethan Caruso, of Minooka.  Trenton is the first St. Bede Academy Bowler to make it to the state series!  Trenton your Bruin family is incredibly proud of you!

  • Scholastic Bowl at Orion tonight bus leaving at 3:30

  • Polar Plunge is the last Saturday in February. You can still sign up.  If you registered on-line, your name is highlighted. If not, please register soon.

  • On Monday, February 21st there will be a ski trip to Alpine Valley Ski Resort.  The group cost per person is:  $55 for ski lift, $35 for ski and $10 for helmet rental.   Sign up now.

  • The next Boys' TEC is the end of February, the 26th to 28th.  If you want an application or to know more, see Fr. Ronald.

  • This week is Catholic Schools Week.  The theme is:  Faith, Excellence, Service.  There will be class prayer services and breakfast, in gym, during Period A beginning with seniors tomorrow.

  • Stage Rats meet tonight at 7:30 in the gym. 


  • Bella Verucchi.  Please see Fr. Ronald, now, during homeroom.

  • The following students need to come to the Loft now: Anna An, Carleen Chen, Sophia Su, Josie Zhou, Wendy Li, Angel Zhai, Aleda Hoogland, Olivia Lin, Helen Mao and Coco Wu

  • Bella Verucchi, Jeanna Ladzinski, Addie Mitchell, Lily RauhFernandez, Bring your Chromebooks to Mr. Harlow’s office.